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Promotion and Retention Policy


Implement a credit system that will hold students more accountable for their academic performance and effort, which will better align with expectations at the high school level. Implementation will also aid in the decision of promotion or retention of students within grades 6-8. This credit system is in conjunction with attendance and truancy expectations.

Credits Possible:

1 credit per semester or ½ per quarter, per class for a maximum number of 14 total credits in a school year. Any grade ‘C’ or above will receive credit. 

Core Classes: (* -indicates State Assessed Content Area)

*Language Arts                               = 2

*Math                                                   = 2

*Science                                              = 2 

*Social Studies                               = 2

                                                                8 credits per year

Elective Classes: (**- indicates when possible)                                 

Band                                                      = 1

Choir                                                      = 1

Technology                                       = 1 

P.E.                                                          = 1

Art                                                          = 1

**Teacher Special                          = 1

**Yearbook                                        = 1

**Interventions                                = 1

Industrial Arts                                  = 1

                                                                   6 credits per year 

**These are various electives that may change year to year. 

Electives are changed at the end of the semester. Students are allowed 3 per semester. The band and choir classes are year-long electives.

Required Credits for Promotion to the Next Grade Level:

7 Periods                                                                                                                                                              Status

7 (A’s- B’s-C’s in any combination) X 2 Semesters = 14 Credits (6 must come from core classes)                     Promoted

7 D’s X 2 Quarters X 2 semesters = 7 Credits                                                                                 Review


Attendance must be 90% or greater.

Anything below 7 credits will be retention of the student for the grade level.

Any ‘F’ in any class will constitute a student attending Friday Academy during the entirety of the following quarter or summer school to regain their missing credit(s).

Students Who Transfer Into School:

Credit will be given for the last grade report from the former school.  If a student is failing range according to the Promotion/Retention policy, then an individual academic contract will be immediately established.  Under the contract, the student will have the opportunity to reach promotion status without penalty for past grades at previous school.

i.e. Students transfer with 3 F’s in any class.  The student contract will allow credit to be given if students can maintain C’s or better in all classes while enrolled at Ellicott Middle School and they must attend Friday Academy.


Assessments may be used for credit. 

i.e.- Student fails Math.  On their CMAS they score Proficient. Then the proficient score outranks the previous failing grade and will receive credit.

i.e.- Students transfer in failed classes but are proficient in content assessments, then students could receive credit for classes they failed.