Message from the Principal
Dear Thunderhawk Community,
I am honored to serve as the principal of Ellicott Middle School (EMS). Our goal is to commit ourselves to ensuring an excellent education for ALL students. We intend to accomplish this by providing rigorous lessons and instruction that will challenge and bring out the greatness that we know is inside ALL of them. Our mission is always to encourage and educate students to be confident, knowledgeable, responsible and productive citizens in an ever changing world. I believe that our staff's commitment to our core values of being Supportive, Open-minded, Accountable, and Responsible make our building a special place to learn. With your continued support at home and in the community to instill these values our Thunderhawks Will SOAR!
Donte' Stewart
Ellicott Middle School Principal
350 S. Ellicott Hwy.
Ellicott, CO 80808
School Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:50 am - 4:00 pm

Donte' Stewart
M.ED, Jones International University